Let’s briefly go over the pros and cons

Let’s briefly go over the pros and cons

If you’re doing a delayed financing transaction on a property you purchased in the last 6 months, you’re allowed to take cash out immediately without any waiting period.

Under normal circumstances, if you bought a home with a mortgage instead of cash, you have to be on the title at least 6 months before you payday loans Oxford can take cash out and refinance your home, so delayed financing is a notable exception.

When Would You Use Delayed Financing?

So now that you understand what delayed financing is, you might wonder why you would choose it over more common financing options like getting a mortgage upfront and sticking with it or doing a cash-out refinance down the road.

Well, aside from being able to take cash out on the home without waiting for seasoning, there are some other reasons it might be a good option.

Pros Of Using Delayed Financing

There are lots of reasons why delayed financing might be beneficial to your financial picture and business needs. Let’s take a look at some.

Cons Of Delayed Financing