Homophobia– Anxiety about homosexuality otherwise to become homosexual

Homophobia– Anxiety about homosexuality otherwise to become homosexual

Heterophobia– Fear of the alternative gender

Galeophobia otherwise Gatophobia– Fear of cats. Gamophobia– Concern about relationships. Geliophobia– Fear of laughter. Gelotophobia– Anxiety about becoming chuckled within. Gephyrophobia otherwise Gephydrophobia otherwise Gephysrophobia– Anxiety about crossing links.. Gerascophobia– Anxiety about growing older. Gerontophobia– Anxiety about dated some body or from getting older. Glossophobia– Anxiety about public speaking otherwise of trying to dicuss. Gnosiophobia– Anxiety about education. Graphophobia– Concern with creating otherwise handwriting. Gymnophobia– Concern with nudity. Gynephobia or Gynophobia– Concern about lady.

Hadephobia– Fear of heck. Hagiophobia– Fear of new orleans saints otherwise holy something. Hamartophobia– Anxiety about sinning. Haphephobia or Haptephobia– Concern with are handled. Harpaxophobia– Concern about getting robbed. Hedonophobia– Anxiety about feeling satisfaction. Helminthophobia– Anxiety about getting plagued having viruses. Hemophobia otherwise Hemaphobia or Hematophobia– Concern about bloodstream. Herpetophobia– Fear of reptiles or weird, crawly things. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- Concern with the amount 666. Hierophobia– Anxiety about priests otherwise sacred anything. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia- Fear of much time words. Hobophobia– Concern about bums or beggars. Homilophobia– Fear of sermons. Hominophobia– Concern with men. Hoplophobia– Anxiety about guns. Hydrophobophobia– Anxiety about rabies. Hyelophobia otherwise Hyalophobia– Concern with glass. Hygrophobia– Fear of water, wetness, or dampness. Hypengyophobia otherwise Hypegiaphobia– Fear of duty. Hypnophobia– Fear of bed or to be hypnotized. Hypsiphobia– Concern about height.

Iatrophobia– Anxiety about visiting the doc otherwise from medical professionals. Ichthyophobia– Fear of fish. Ideophobia– Anxiety about ideas. Illyngophobia– Anxiety about vertigo or feeling light headed when looking off. Iophobia– Anxiety about poison. Insectophobia – Fear of pests. Isolophobia- Concern with solitude, being by yourself. Isopterophobia– Anxiety about termites, bugs one consume wood. Ithyphallophobia– Concern about watching, thinking about otherwise which have an upright dick.

Genophobia– Concern with gender

. Kakorrhaphiophobia– Concern with incapacity otherwise overcome. Katagelophobia– Concern with ridicule. Kathisophobia– Fear of seated. Katsaridaphobia– Concern about cockroaches. Kleptophobia- Concern with stealing. Kolpophobia- Concern with genitals, such as ladies. Kopophobia– Concern about weakness. Koniophobia– Anxiety about dirt. (Amathophobia) Kosmikophobia– Fear of cosmic event. Kynophobia- Concern with rabies.

Lachanophobia– Anxiety about vegetables. Laliophobia or Lalophobia– Anxiety about speaking. Leprophobia or Lepraphobia– Fear of leprosy.. Ligyrophobia– Concern about noisy appears. Lilapsophobia– Concern about tornadoes and hurricanes. Limnophobia– Concern about lakes. Linonophobia– Anxiety about sequence. Liticaphobia– Concern with lawsuits. Lockiophobia– Fear of childbearing. Logizomechanophobia– Anxiety about machines. Logophobia– Concern with terms. Luiphobia– Fear of syphillis. Lygophobia– Concern about dark. Lyssophobia– Fear of rabies otherwise of becoming aggravated

Macrophobia– Anxiety about a lot of time delays. Mageirocophobia– Anxiety about preparing. Maieusiophobia- Fear of childbearing. Malaxophobia– Anxiety about like enjoy. Maniaphobia– Fear of insanity. Mastigophobia– Concern about abuse. Mechanophobia– Anxiety about servers. Medomalacuphobia– Concern with dropping an erection. Medorthophobia– Concern with an upright penis. Megalophobia– Concern about high anything. Melissophobia– Fear of bees.. Melophobia– Concern or hatred away from songs. Meningitophobia– Concern about attention disease. Menophobia– Fear of durations. Merinthophobia– Concern about being bound or tied. Metallophobia– Fear of material. Metathesiophobia– Fear of changes. Meteorophobia- Anxiety about meteors. Methyphobia– Concern about alcoholic drinks. Microbiophobia– Concern with microorganisms. (Bacillophobia) Microphobia– Concern with little things. Misophobia otherwise Mysophobia– Concern with becoming polluted which have mud otherwise bacterium. Mnemophobia– Concern about memory. Molysmophobia otherwise Molysomophobia– Fear of dirt otherwise contamination. Monophobia– Concern about solitude or becoming alone. Monopathophobia– Concern with specified situation. Motorphobia- Concern about cars. Musophobia otherwise Muriphobia– Anxiety about mice. Myctophobia– Concern about dark. Myrmecophobia– Concern about ants. Mythophobia– Anxiety about myths or tales or not true statements. Myxophobia- Anxiety about slime. Necrophobia– Concern about dying otherwise inactive anything. Neopharmaphobia– Concern with the fresh new medicines.. Noctiphobia– Concern with the night https://www.datingranking.net/escort-directory/tallahassee. Nomatophobia– Fear of names. Nosocomephobia– Fear of healthcare facilities. Nosophobia or Nosemaphobia– Fear of become sick. Nostophobia– Concern about coming back domestic. Nudophobia– Concern about nudity. Numerophobia– Anxiety about quantity. Nyctohylophobia– Concern with dark wooded section or from forest later in the day Nyctophobia– Concern with new black otherwise regarding nights.